CIF-SS Playoffs:
Boys and Girls Open Division (Best of the Best) and Divisions 1aa-6:In all 26 classifications of basketball
*2 person assignments for the first two nights (our school's 2nd rd game was 3 person at the host school's request)
*3 person mandated quarterfinals and forward
*Neighboring associations cover games (unlike in volleyball where the policy is to use local crews thru the semifinals)
-For example: Our school is CBOA (California Basketball Officials Association) Inland Unit.We were officiated by the following associations at home:
1st rd boys- CBOA Foothill Citrus Unit
Qtr Finals boys- CBOA Desert Valley Unit
Semifinal boys- CBOA South Orange County Unit
*Both our road games (Girls 1st rd and Boys 2nd were covered by CBOA Channel Coast Unit.
Our semifinal game