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Old Sun Feb 28, 2016, 02:55pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
That would certainly be an unusual situation but it would be fully inappropriate for the game management (home team) to change the playing conditions throughout the game unless it was acceptable to both teams. What if they shut the lights off over the end where the visitors were shooting in each half? What if...(the list could go on).

There is nothing explicitly in the rules for the officials here, but actions by game management that unequally influence the game conditions should not be tolerated.

I'm hope they were just trying to bring the temperature down a bit for everyone and were consistent.
It would have to be pretty extreme for me to get involved in this situation. And just because I feel the doors should be closed does not give me the authority to tell someone I can have the doors closed in the first place. That is something that should be more for the state organization to define. Many buildings have issues with air flow, we cannot control all issues or even know what the issues might be.

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