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Old Fri Feb 26, 2016, 10:54am
trojans2545 trojans2545 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Indiana
Posts: 44
The exact rule is on page 142

12.12.9 A fielder shall not intentionally contact or catch a fair batted ball or with a batted foul ball, which might become fair, with her cap, helmet, mask, chest protector, glove/mitt or any part of her uniform that is detached from its proper place or her person

You also need to keep in mind 9.2.4 on page 88 that states there is no catch when "the fielder uses any equipment or part of her uniform that is displaced from its proper position." The effect is a 3 base award, possibly 4 base if going over the fence for a home run

My opinion

Sit 1: Delayed Dead Ball, 3 base award. 12.12.9 may or may not apply depending on if I deem it intentional but my reading of 9.2.4 does not require it to be intentional.

Sit 2: Same as above

Sit 3: This depends entirely on what the ball is doing. If the ball at the time of the swat is going away from the line I have a foul ball. Going toward it I probably have 12.12.9 and 9.2.4, which is the same DDB and 3 base award.

I have asked for the proper ruling, will report back if different
Once when the Yankee's Lou Pinella was batting he questioned a Palermo strike call. Pinella demanded, "Where was that pitch at?" Palermo told him that a man wearing Yankee pinstripes in front of 30,000 people should not end a sentence with a preposition. So Pinella, no dummy, said, "OK, where was that pitch at, a**hole?"
-George Will
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