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Old Fri Feb 26, 2016, 10:44am
ballgame99 ballgame99 is offline
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Originally Posted by Blindolbat View Post
I called a violation very similar to this in a BV game early in the season directly in front of an opposing coach at the end of 1st half. He yelled for it and I called it at nearly the exact time. As my partners and I were walking into the locker room, one of my partners told me never to call that again and I shouldn't even be looking there. Now, he's got 30+ years of experience and half of that doing college games, but I disagree with that philosophy.
If I hadn't of called it, I would have had some explaining to do to that coach. I've continued to call it as the rule says to.
Was your partner telling you this because you called it from T and he was C? In that case he has a point, but if the violation was so obvious that you and the coach could see if from T then he should be calling it, and I don't have a problem with you calling it either (again, if the violation was egregious).
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