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Old Thu Feb 25, 2016, 03:55am
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
I posted these for discussion purposes, nothing but a missed shot?

Well, OK, it is a violation on the FT shooter. You gave it a title that indicated the thing being looked at was the stuck ball. Why do that if the point of the video is something else? I didn't even bother looking at anything else.

I called this twice last night and it ended up leading to a T against the kid I called it on. He gave a big 2-handed wave-off when I explained it to him.

His coach wanted an explanation (both for the original call and why I called the T), I gave it.

Shortly after the first occurrence where I T'd him for it, I called a foul that sent him to the line again. Being in front of his team's bench. I suggested the coaches watch him. He did it again (missing the front end of 2). I looked back at the coaches and said "did you see it?" They all chucked and nodded. I called it again a little later and he looked looked to his coaches and they told him that he did go way over the line way too early, pretty much right after the release. It is nice when coaches listen to the explanation then confirm to their player that they are doing exactly what the referees indicated.

I also called two other violations for perimeter players rushing in on the release. I think this game doubled the number of FT violations I've called all season.
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Last edited by Camron Rust; Thu Feb 25, 2016 at 11:48am.
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