Detached equipment (NCAA)
12.12.9 (Paraphrased) The effect of a fielder touching or catching a fair batted ball, or a foul batted ball that may become fair, with detached equipment, is a 3-base award to the batter.
Sit. 1:F2 settles under a fly ball just ahead of HP, mask off, held in hand. Bobbles the catch, and gathers it in and secures it with her mask (then dumps it into her mitt).
Sit. 2:F2 settles under a fly ball just ahead of HP, mask off, held in hand. Gust of wind, ball doesn't touch the mitt, but she gathers it in with her mask (then dumps it into her mitt).
Sit.3: Batted ball trickles up the baseline in foul ground. As it nears the chalk, F2 swats at it with her mask to make sure it stays foul.
Batter gets 3rd?