Originally Posted by tcannizzo
This is always situational depending on the level of play.
The times I have seen this, I actually "warned" the runner and her coach, rather than the defense.
IMO, defense can commit OBS all day long, not my problem; but the offense has zero right to physically move the defender out of the way.
In extremely low-level rec, I have, on occasion, casually mentioned to the defensive coach that there is a an increased risk of collision/injury for those players who always have their foot on the base, when there is no throw coming in.
Sorry,but I disagree with your comments on the offense doesn't have the right physically move the defense. if the first base person continues to stay on the inside edge of the base when the BR is going for more than one base on a base hit, and she gets knocked on her butt. Too bad!!! Get out of the way!!!