Originally posted by JMN
Mr. Rutledge and others,
With all due respect, why don't we get back to football discussion. We are not going to solve the topic of race relations here!
With all due respect, this is very much about football. And if you think it is not, do a Brother Rice/Crane Football game and tell me if you will not have to deal with this issue in some way?
Originally posted by JMN
Certainly, we all bring biases onto the field. Heck, we're human and all have different faults. But, the best officials I've seen (choose your color, race, religion, etc.) do their best to be as objective as possible when working a football game. They minimize their subjectivity and rule based on fairness as prescribed by the rules.
Well that sound all great in the "utopia" that you like to live in, but when I did Proviso East/Oak Park River Forest game, race was brought into the game right off the bat. Not something I wanted or wished for. And guess what, I had to deal with it, regardless of how objective I was about it. To also add, I was approached in a manner that some of my crew members were not addressed. But maybe if my head was in the sand, I might not realize that I have to stop a potential timebomb waiting to happen. I had to address it with my crew members (Black and white) that day, it plays a part in how we handle it and how we discuss it here.
Originally posted by JMN
Any official that uses the common sense necessary to call a good game for the purpose of providing preference to players, coaches, etc. is providing a disservice and hurts all in our avocation.
You are right. But common sense varies from your background and your experience. And if you have never had to do any games in any sport and race was an issue or going to be one (whether you liked it or not) then I can see your point of view. But if you do a Chicago Catholic League team against certain Chicago Public League teams, you will see and experience some racial issues on the field. And considering that many Black kids do not see very many (depending on area) officials with my color, they approach me much differently than they do my white counterparts. Just the way it is.