Originally Posted by Andy
The issue with this line of thinking is that there is no "penalty" for Obstruction. If it is called in the specific situation mentioned, we (umpires) simply place the runners where they would have been anyway. Some coaches have figured this out and determined that the reward (an out they might not have gotten) outweighs the risk of the obstruction call.
If F3 is habitually going to the inside corner of first base on every base hit, it is either a fielder that doesn't know any better or she has been coached to do it.
I like and have used the Irish solution, tell the coach and/or player not to do that anymore....and then what is the consequence when a player or coach refuses to follow a specific directive from the umpire? Ejection....
In a Co-rec game in Plant City between Bahamas and Great Britain, my partner (BU) had warned the player and coach (Bahamas) that F3 (female) could not continue the run to and plant her foot on the inside corner of 1B on every batted ball not to her. There was OBS called every time there was not a play at that base on a batted-ball. Luckily, the GB players did everything to avoid it, but there were a couple of occassions where contact occurred.
I believe it was the 3rd or 4th inning when BU called time after the play and led that player to the dugout and told the coach he needed to make a change at 1B due to F3 not adusting her play to avoid the OBS. Coach asked if she was being ejected. I believe my partner's response was something along the line of "not yet".
IMO, this is much like dealing with a batter that cannot stop unintentionally slinging/throwing a bat after contact.