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Old Wed Aug 06, 2003, 08:16am
sm_bbcoach sm_bbcoach is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 264

Rules meeting last night we (officials) were informed about the Indiana HS Sports Assoc [IHSAA] . new directive about profanity. It is the same as past years for players to official, player to player (opposing / team mate) coah to official. BUT, the new one is this: {in the strictest(sp?) of tones) Any profanity from a coach towards his player is to be penalized in this way:

1st time: warning
2nd time: 15 yd USC + write up to state
3rd time: 15 yd USC + Ejection + write up.

Appearently, parents have written the IHSAA and complained about coaches language towards their sons (the players). So in the infantesimal wisdom of the IHSAA, they have now taken the burden off the AD and Principal and put it onthe officals to "clean up the language". They have also added the rider on that any complaint by a parent NOT have a write up by the crew of the game on file COULD jepordize tourney advancement. Oddly enough, it is the coaches vote that detemines tourney advancement. SO you bang a coach for 15 yds, he will down grade your vote. OR you do not hit him, and the state limits your advancement.

So, get this senario: Kicker come out and kicks with an illegal tee. under the new rules 15 yd USC {against coach} . Kicker goes to side line coach yells "you stupid MF. Why are you using that thing?" 15 yds language by coah + coach ejected.

Anyone else get this at thier meeting? Wing officials now must either become deaf (must have happened behind the bench or other side of the team box) or enforce this crazy rule. While I think it is a great rule, why are we the ones to enforce/penalize a coach who goes off on one of his players. AD job???? Principal job??????
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