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Old Sat Feb 13, 2016, 11:49am
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
I officiate by the NFHS rules book. I don't care about any restrictions that are particular to a league/conference about playing quarters. That is not my concern. The coaches and ADs can worry about that stuff. I'm not bending the substitution rules to accommodate them. If they encounter a problem they can take a time-out to prevent a player participating.

Officials shouldn't have to worry about such things. They are outside of our purview.
I officiate on a basketball court in the real world. Not on an Internet forum and not inside a rules book.

I know these rules quite well because I'm a conference commissioner and I handle waivers that teams request (smaller programs can get a waiver for players to play in a 3rd half per night). I get that not every official is going to be versed in these rules, but I can't help that. That night, my concern is the game in front of me.
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