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Old Tue Feb 09, 2016, 01:34pm
BigCat BigCat is offline
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Originally Posted by Whistles & Stripes View Post
I will concede that in NCAA-M, there is the case play that has been cited that makes the roll legal if it's caused by the momentum from the dive.

But I'm still not convinced that in NFHS that it is. In my opinion, a roll and a slide are two different things, and once you've started to roll, you've stopped sliding.
They are two different things that can be done at the same time. Momentum is the key. Not a conscious choice to roll away from a defender while sliding. Momentum of your dive and slide makes you do it.

Again, you won't find anything else in NFHS. The thought behind allowing sliding is that you can't really control the slide. When you stop you have control of your body. No rolling. If momentum causes the slide and roll the player isn't under control at that point either. Allow it. Last thing I will say is I have the scars to prove you can slide and roll at same time. The kid who gives up his body for the team and dives for the ball gets a gold star from me. Not a travel call. Good luck to you.
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