Originally Posted by BryanV21
Use your best judgment.
Did the player act as if he was throwing in the ball? If you said "yes" then you have a throw-in violation and you should blow the whistle and call it when it happens.
Did the player toss the ball to his teammate in an attempt for him to make the throw-in, only for that player to misunderstand and dribble down the court? If you said "yes" to this, then you would start a count as soon as you deem the ball was at their disposal for the throw-in. So you may have a 5-second count before they realize their mistake and run back to make the throw-in legally.
Now, there may be something else at play here that I'm not aware. So look out for other responses.
Either way, once it's clear B has no intention of making a legitimate throw-in, I'm calling the violation. If B1 is trying to get B2's attention, knowing they need to do it right, I'll just count either until I get to 5 or B1 gives up and just goes with it.