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Old Mon Feb 08, 2016, 07:54pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: SE Ohio
Posts: 1,233
Fed*8.6.14 SITUATION B:

With R1 on second base and R2 on first base, F1 throws an illegal pitch; B3 hits ground ball to F4 who is attempting to field the ball. R2 maliciously contacts F4.

RULING: Interference does not supersede illegal pitch. Umpire(s) signal delayed dead ball for illegal pitch and then immediate dead ball for the malicious contact. R2 is out for malicious contact. The offense’s team coach is given the option of the result of the play or the penalty for the illegal pitch. If the coach selects the result of the play, R1 is returned to second, R2 is out and B3 is awarded first base. If the coach selects the penalty for the illegal pitch, R1 is awarded third base, R2 is out for malicious contact, B3 is returned to the plate, awarded a ball and if the ball is ball four, is awarded first base.

COMMENT: Because malicious contact will always supersede any other illegal action, both malicious contact and illegal pitch penalties are enforced in this situation. (5-1-1e; 8-6-10)
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