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Old Tue Aug 05, 2003, 05:11pm
LarryS LarryS is offline
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Location: Arlington, TX
Posts: 504
All good comments, hope you take them to heart and improve.

One thing I experienced earlier this year. We had a coach that started in on me and my partner early (seemed like before the toss but it wasn't). We both used the usual comments in an attempt to calm him down. Right before the end of the first quarter he starts yelling about a call made my partner, who gives him the stop sign and tells him he has heard enough. Coach yells "I complain as much as I damn well like!" Partner T's him. I get to the coach and try to calm him down and inform him that he now needs to remain seated. In a loud voice he states that "This is rec ball, Fed rules don't apply!". I finally get him to take a seat.

Early in the second, I look up and he is near the baseline yapping away. I tell him to have a seat. Same thing next 2 times down the floor. I'm getting to my line when my partner stops play for a white time out. I stop him from starting the time on the TO for a minute and pull both coaches together, explain to the other coach that I just wanted him to know the nature of my discussion with the other coach, then say "Coach, you know very well that the first thing in the league rules states that NFHS rules apply in all instances with the following exceptions and then it list them. Not listed amoung them is your ability to use the coaches box after the first T. You will need to refrain from going down the the baseline and up to center court." Then I walk away. Next trip down the floor not only is he at the baseline, I run into him backing out of the way of a loose ball going OOB, and he has the nerve to yell at me for blocking his player. TWEET, see ya coach!

All that to say, make sure you or your partner can stay unemotional after the T and explain the situation. Things can easily get worse if you can't control your emotions. Most of the time when I see a coach get a T in rec ball, he ends up missing the end of the game.
I didn't say it was your fault...I said I was going to blame you.
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