Originally Posted by Multiple Sports
Please answer this question...How can you legally play defense out of bounds ???
Isn't legal guarding position by definition a defender who initially has two feet on the floor IN BOUNDS ????
Two questions and in some cases two very different things. LGP is what the case book is talking about. You can't initially get it OOB and you can't maintain it if you touch OOB. This is only for cases where LGP is the definer for whether you're going to call a foul on the defense or the offense.
In many cases you can't play defense out of bounds, or perhaps, being crafty, you can. Say you're OOB and the defender is probably going to get by you so you make an attempt to touch the ball. This would cause a violation, but in a way, it's defense. Now, same scenario, but while going for the ball the ball handler grabs your arm and throws it away so you can't contact the ball. What are you calling here? Offense? Are you letting the ball handler push off or grab the defense to gain an advantage just because the defense has a foot on the line?
Legally playing defense isn't really a definable term. LGP is.
Wasn't really sure how to answer your question, hope this helped.