Another National, Comment and Question
Comment, just returned from umpiring an ASA National. Disappointed in the lack of caring for the "proper" uniform. Why are details, details, details pushed down our throats at the local level and then not at the National. Some of which can be directly pushed back to the UIC. No direction given on ball bags, just that if you wear 2 they must be of same color. We had everything from single grey, single blue, double blue, old style ASA logo, new style logo, Cloth bags, to vinyl bags. UIC should have "declared" what was to be worn and that would be the items worn. Cost=excuse=bs. Umpires are one of the kindest and freindlist groups to work with and be a part of, share/borrow. I'm talking ball bags here people, not under clothing. Shirts with additional items attached. Manufactures logo's sometimes tough to take off, those may be excusable but anything added by the umpire himself or herself should have to be removed. UIC's that make rules need to stick to them and enforce the uniform, not reward them and let them continue to work deep into the tournament. Uniforms = First Impression = Opinion = Attitude = Respect.
Question: Of the fellow umpires on this site that have had a chance to do a tournament of National levels or maybe multiple tournaments of National level how has the scheduling of games been done. Especially tournaments that typically start play on Monday or Tuesday and continue till the chamionship game on the following Sunday. Not mentioning weather, family concerns, or umpire health problems how many changes normally take place to an umpires game schedule during a national tournament?