Thread: Blarge
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Old Wed Feb 03, 2016, 02:32pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Originally Posted by just another ref View Post
Neither does the case play, but this was the follow up question:

The main point of contention is what happens when the two officials, unfortunately, mistakenly give opposite preliminary signals and whether this changes the equation

Her answer: It does not change the equation. They still should come together and talk to make a final decision. If the decision is to go one way over another then that person goes to the table to report. If no one wants to give in, then they go to the table to report both fouls.

Ultimately, you should talk with your state office to determine if this is the direction they want the officials to go.

Yeah, b/c she knows her answer doesn't hold water; she's giving the NCAA-Women's interpretation to an NFHS rules question. Since when does the NFHS tell officials to let their individual states to interpret a rule? Does her response really pass the smell test?
A-hole formerly known as BNR