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Old Tue Feb 02, 2016, 12:42pm
#olderthanilook #olderthanilook is offline
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Originally Posted by Whistles & Stripes View Post
If all he's doing is disagreeing with the calls, then ignore it and play on. He's a fanboy watching the game through tinted glasses and will disagree with any call that doesn't go his team's way/ But if he's making personal comments about you or your partners, stop the game, go to the table, and have an administrator remove him. Let the administrator know that the game will not resume until the fan has been escorted from the gym.

Do not attempt to do anything about this yourself, including warning the fan. Leave all interaction to the administrator.
I've only "ejected" a fan in a varsity game one time in all my years. And that is exactly how I did it.

We were in a quiet gym with maybe 3 dozen fans in attendance. My back was to him when he said it, but was standing directly in front of him (and his wife) as I was putting the ball at the disposal of B1 for a throw in.

He'd been chirping typical fan boy stuff all game which didn't bother me in the least - in fact, it was cracking me up. He was yelling that I couldn't possibly be right with my player control foul since the defender was "underneath the basket".

While inbounding, he loudly and proudly states, "You guys should have your licenses taken away...just terrible!". I didn't flinch, turn or shake my body language. Just jogged across court to the table where the host school AD was sitting and said, "That guy on the front row is completely out of line - you know which guy I'm talking about don't you? (he nods his head yes) - and, I will not resume the game until he is escorted out of this gym."

I stay table side while he and his wife are walked out by the AD's assistant.

The rest of the game went smoover than buttah.
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