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Old Tue Feb 02, 2016, 11:29am
WhistlesAndStripes WhistlesAndStripes is offline
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Originally Posted by SD Referee View Post
It was more than just disagreeing with my calls. I can deal with that and ignore pretty much all of that.

He was adding a derogatory word/phrase with it that he thought would upset me. I actually find it funny because it doesn't make sense, but I don't want it to escalate and it will with this fan and others in the fanbase if it's not taken care of.

Thank you for the advice. I knew to let the admin handle it. Let's say it happens right away the next game. Do you have admin do it right then and there? No warning?
I would. It makes for a much more peaceful game, and it sends the message to everyone if the ringleader is dealt with. One option you have is you could speak to the administration prior to the game and let them know of the issue that has occurred and that it will not be tolerated. They can then decide whether they want to warn the fan or not. You shouldn't personally issue any kind of warning to the fan. Leave that to the administration if they so choose. But when you're ready to get rid of the fan, if it comes to that, I would be very stern with the administrator that the game will not resume until he has been escorted from the gym.
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