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Old Tue Feb 02, 2016, 11:17am
WhistlesAndStripes WhistlesAndStripes is offline
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Originally Posted by SD Referee View Post
I have a question for you guys regarding fans.

How much do you take from a rowdy fan that has something to say on every call you make before you have them escorted out by administration? While saying something about my call, they are saying something they deem as derogatory about my appearance or something they think will get under my skin. Basically name calling when disagreeing with my call.

I ask because I am going to see this same fan in the very near future and I don't want to have to listen to it again. I want them gone. Administration was alerted at the last venue and they were on board with getting rid of them if it happened again. It was late enough in the game where it didn't happen again. Most likely because the team of this fan was now winning.

I would love some guidance from you experienced guys on what you would do.

If all he's doing is disagreeing with the calls, then ignore it and play on. He's a fanboy watching the game through tinted glasses and will disagree with any call that doesn't go his team's way/ But if he's making personal comments about you or your partners, stop the game, go to the table, and have an administrator remove him. Let the administrator know that the game will not resume until the fan has been escorted from the gym.

Do not attempt to do anything about this yourself, including warning the fan. Leave all interaction to the administrator.
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