First, as you addressed the order you demand at eUmpire I should not fail to compliment you and others involved with eUmpire for their efforts and success. It is apparent and appreciated.
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by GarthB
I do not find truthful statements to be hypocritical, so I can't agree with your premise.....
Also, in logic classes I learned to disregard arguments of the extreme. To compare different behavior at different boards with being a murderer in one state and not other is an argument of the extreme and does not contribute to a resolution.....
Here's another comparison that is not of the extreme. I know that a certain amount of rowdy behavior will be tolerated at my corner pub. I know even more rowdy behavior will be tolerated at some east side pubs. I also know that I wam expected to have impeccable behavior when I vist the The Fairmont. Am I a hypocrite because I behave differently in different establishments that have different expecations?
Garth, I may be wrong in using an exaggerated example. Sometimes that method is used to better highlight what exactly is occurring. It makes it easier for others to visualize. That is what was attempted. I will try to use your examples instead:
I visit the east side pub and I insult John Doe and announce to all present what a "rat" he is. (I'll deem that name calling.) That behavior is not preferred or appreciated there, but is accepted.
Next night I visit Fairmont. Here I see John Doe and others, many of whom were at east side pub last night. In discussion with John Doe and others, I insult John Smith (who may have been at pub last night). John Smith calls me a name I don't like and I take objection as Fairmont does not allow name calling. Furthermore, I CLAIM MY INNOCENCE regarding name calling as I certainly have not called anyone a name while IN HERE.
Garth, the final sentence is true, and I haven't broken the name calling rule (unless of course, John Smith is right). Unfortunately, the actions of what I am doing, participating in name calling at east side and announcing my innocence against name calling at Fairmont IS HYPOCRITICAL----and, yes Garth, that also makes the truthful sentence hypocritical. It's not the sentence, IT IS THE ACTION---and it has little to do with WHERE it occurs, merely that it does occur.
And yes, that does mean that Carl has been hypocritical when he assumes that action on EUmpire. You may not think so, but I do, and others may make their own decisions.
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by GarthB
I personally do not care what happens on other boards.
I will add is that if YOU were insulted amongst a group of people whom you visited with at east side and heard your perpetrator at Fairmont claiming such innocence in your presence regarding a similar issue, you just might care. Maybe not. But you weren't and you shouldn't. But I was, and I do.
Just my opinion
[Edited by Bfair on Dec 31st, 2000 at 09:25 PM]