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Old Fri Jan 29, 2016, 11:12am
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Originally Posted by coachjdb View Post
Amazing....a Terp Fan who is a ref. What better timing than to ask this question. Not much of a Big Ten guy but was able to catch the Iowa/MD game last night and I am not sure how M Turgeon was able to keep his cool at the end of that game. At the near end of the game there where 3 back to back calls that went against Maryland which left both myself and the two Big Ten commentators speechless...thoughts?
You know how coaches keep their cool? They're freaking adults and should be expected to act like adults, even in stressful work situations. The rest of us are, why is sports any different?

Further, great calls leave commentators and coaches speechless all the time. If you'd like, you could request one of our video gurus post videos of the plays in question, but they would need to know approximate game time for the plays you think were so bad.. We're not going to give you any constructive thoughts without video.
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