Originally Posted by coachjdb
Amazing....a Terp Fan who is a ref. What better timing than to ask this question. Not much of a Big Ten guy but was able to catch the Iowa/MD game last night and I am not sure how M Turgeon was able to keep his cool at the end of that game. At the near end of the game there where 3 back to back calls that went against Maryland which left both myself and the two Big Ten commentators speechless...thoughts?
Friendly word of advice, coach: Your first two posts were a straightforward question about the rules, which we're more than happy to answer and discuss. This post, on the other hand, is not helpful or constructive. If you can pinpoint a particular call (either by time left in the half, or by numbers of the players involved, or some other identifying feature), it's almost guaranteed that someone will find and post a video for discussion... but simply saying "there were three terrible calls" is the kind of fanboy talk that won't be well-received.
Also, the "Amazing....a Terp Fan who is a ref." comment... what exactly are you trying to imply here? I can't think of any positive reason to make a comment like that.