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Old Wed Jan 27, 2016, 03:20pm
ajmc ajmc is offline
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Originally Posted by CT1 View Post
"Reaching the QB" and "tackling the QB" are often two different animals.

Here's Rich's quote: "The only reason I tackle the QB is because I illegally grab his face mask. And I get the benefit of those yards." (emphasis added)

Do we know what would have happened had the illegal act not occurred? No. The offense might have made a significant gain. That's why the penalty administration in this case is considered a "gratuitous difference".
Is it POSSIBLE to tackle anyone, without first reaching them? "Reaching" any player is totally and completely separate from anything you actually do to a player you have successfully reached. If a DEFENSIVE player subsequently does something illegal at that point (where an opponent is reached) the illegal behavior is penalized EITHER from that spot, or if the fouled player continues to advance after the foul, from the spot where his advancement ends.

When an OFFENSIVE foul is committed BEHIND the eventual End of the Run, the NFHS ALL BUT ONE enforcement principle presumes that any yardage gained BEYOND/AFTER the spot of the foul is an "Ill gotten gain", and the enforcement is applied from the spot of the foul RATHER than the spot where the run ACTUALLY ended.

ALL BUT ONE does NOT apply to defensive fouls, so I'm not sure what your above reference is intended to relate to.

Under the NFHS code, the runner is entitled to any and all yardage he legally gained (without benefit of any fouling). NFHS:10-4-2 defines those instances where the "basic spot" (NFHS: 2-41-1) to be used for PENALTY enforcement is "the previous spot".

Sorry, but I have no idea what you are trying to infer regarding, "gratuitous difference" and, to my understanding, NFHS does not consider, "things that might have been"(Thankfully)

Last edited by ajmc; Wed Jan 27, 2016 at 03:24pm.