Originally posted by WestMichBlue
Change is never easy, and some things die hard. ... ASA may be dragged kicking and screaming; or ASA may lead the way. But it will be approved.
No one here said it would not be approved by ASA, only that it was not presently legal by the strict interpretation of the approved umpire's uniform.
Other than that, there were individual opinions on preferences, but if you didn't want that, why did you post the question in the first place?
Whether it is approved or not, there will continue to be those who will not use it for reasons of personal taste, tradidion, look / appearance, discouragement by the local UIC, cost, why buy new when the old will do, etc., etc.
This isn't an issue worth campaigning about, IMO. And, as an umpire, one of my first obligations is to adhere to the rules as they pertain to
myself. Leading by example and all that. So, unless or until it becomes legal, I will not buy one / wear one for ASA games.