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Old Tue Jan 26, 2016, 08:30am
HLin NC HLin NC is offline
Chain of Fools
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 1,648
The one area that stands out to me as a difference that NFHS must be different on is the blocking rules. I am not an NCAA official but I work with a few and end up being involved in conversations with them or around them.

I don't want to be demeaning but there are a vast group of HS officials that would have difficulty calling some of the low blocking rules that the NCAA allows that we don't. Some of the equipment regulations that the NCAA either allows or ignores (knee pads & mouthpieces come to mind) would be safer if they followed the NFHS' lead. (And I do not wish to begin the debate of the uncovered knee).

The Fed is not totally heathen as they do allow the FBZ, adopted PSK, and the restricted area on the sideline.

As the Rules committee becomes younger, I'm sure you'll see a move more towards homogenization.