Originally posted by ace
I blew the whistle on 4 occaisons and called for purple to break the huddle.
... hot headed coach.. almost got him a t in the first quater (1:00 in) told him we werent gunna take his attitude like that again. Wanred him one more time....so I warned him again at half time.
I guess you got the message by now...1 warning at most
Coming out of half time Horn blows (still in huddle). I walk to the far side to puit the ball in (Horn blows again?) I call for Green as it is there ball. "PURPLE! Lets break the huddle" Coach looked up....
I guess you also know when to use the resuming play procedure & when to T!
My comment here is that these situations almost always go smoother if one of you (prefer the U in 2 man) just walk over to the huddle & tell the coach we're ready to go. More often than not he'll look up & say "OK, sorry" and you can continue without all this needless bother.