Originally posted by WestMichBlue
Wait a minute, Mike. "Once you call the BR out, by rule, the ball is dead and the play has ended. Any subsequent action is nullified"
Runners on 1B and 3B, less than 2 outs, CO on F2, batter swings and misses 3rd strike, F2 misses ball.
Batter is out immediately (1B occupied), but ball is rolling to the backstop and R3 is coming home. Are you going to call Dead Ball and sent R3 back? Seems as though the ball should remain alive until all play has ended.
I think that would be unfair to the offense. Not allowing the run to score would reward the defensive violation. If the run scores, the offense should have the option to either take the play (run scores and batter is out), or the penalty (return R3 and award 1B to B-R).
Are you sure that ASA requires you to stop all play the instant the obstructed player is put out? What if we have R2 on 2B and Batter hits single. BR obstructed by F3 as she tries for 2B. R9 throws out BR at 2B. R2 had rounded 3B and when she saw throw going to 2B she went home.
But R2 is only halfway home when BR is called out and DEAD BALL is called! Now what? You stopped play before all action had ceased. What do we do with R2?
I understand what you are saying and tend to agree to a point.
As I have noted, ASA does not specifically address CO in conjuction with a swing and miss or D3K. However, if you follow the logic, say the CO occurs on a batter who hits a line drive back to the pitcher. Are you going to let play continue to see what happens or kill the play because the player obstructed has been retired? Or are you going to just let things continue until all the runners are put out, score or just stop on their bases?