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Old Tue Jan 19, 2016, 11:00am
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Adam Adam is offline
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Originally Posted by Shooter14 View Post
No, I am agreeing with the interpretation, but I'm trying to find a way to explain to them why it should be a travel based on the rulebook. I haven't been officiating as long as most of them so you know how that goes. I need something directly from the book. When it says "after establishing a pivot foot" it makes it hard to explain why it still is a travel. It's frustrating for me, trust me!
Sometimes, you just have to let others be wrong for a variety of reasons.

I had a discussion with a veteran (and association leader) a few years ago about whether shooting at the wrong basket is considered a try. As soon as I realized he wasn't going to budge, I dropped it.

Had another discussion with other association leadership (that same season) about whether an airborne player could legally catch the ball and land on his arse. They insisted his butt cheek would then be his pivot. Again, once I realized they weren't going to budge, I dropped it.

My two situations, and your as well, are so rare they aren't worth a heated debate. If your buddies aren't going to grasp a 1997 interp (understandable) or understand the spirit and intent of the rules (also understandable), then so be it.

You could always refer them here.
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