I blew the whistle on 4 occaisons and called for purple to break the huddle.
Summer league... hot headed coach.. almost got him a t in the first quater (1:00 in) told him we werent gunna take his attitude like that again. Wanred him one more time. A T woulda made my game a hell so I warned him again at half time. Coming out of half time Horn blows (still in huddle). I walk to the far side to puit the ball in (Horn blows again?) I call for Green as it is there ball. "PURPLE! Lets break the huddle" Coach looked up. I blew my whistle again. Said PURPLE BREAK THE HUDDLE! _ waited 3 seconds. Blew my whistle again. Waited 3 seconds. Blew my whistle and handed to green for the throw-in. Coach went ballistic. Finally called a time out and as i was reporting said he wanted to talk to me. "Ok coach but if you stop talking I'm walking away" So he starts actually talkking instead of screaming .. i said. "Well you had a 15 second warning horn. an end of halftime horn. A Whistle... A whistle... a whistle..." Not my fault you didnt get ur playes on the court.I let you know the quater begin, we dont have to wait on you to finsih ur huddle."
he looked at me took a deep breath and acted like he wanted to yell
"Now coach, I did everything I could but physically walk over there and pull your players on the court to play basketball."
I walked off. He ended up winning despite this.
He had 8 girls on the bench. Other team had 4. We let em play 4 on 4. He's got wayyyyyy too much excitemnet for 7-10 year old girls in my opinon but oh well. He'll get taken care of eventually.
John "acee" A.
Recently got a DWI - Driving With Icee.