#1 - NHFS or ASA - CO is defined as hindering the batter from hitting or swinging at the ball.
#2 - CO is a delayed dead ball.
Thus, delayed dead ball is the correct call and you wait for the end of action. Either the B-R reaches first and other runners advance, or B-R or other runner is put out. Then, depending on the results, either cancel the CO, or call time and provide the option to the coach.
In the other scenario where you have a runner on 1B, then you signal CO (delayed dead ball), call the B-R out (preventative umpiring to keep her from running to 1B), and wait for action to end. Then, because B-R did not reach 1B, you go to the coach.
If the ball went to the backstop, we will assume that R3 scored from 3B and R1 went all the way to 3B. Interesting dilemma for the coach - do you want the run scored, a runner at 3B, now with 2 outs? Or no score, but bases loaded with 1 out?