Originally Posted by Rich
I give the "two" every time. But whether it's a hack, a push, a hold or whatever means absolutely nothing at the spot of the foul.
Getting plays right is job 1.
I do agree with that, but part of the job is to convince everyone that we got the play right. And a big part of the job is are signals and when we give those signals. If the observers (everyone in the gym) has no idea what we had, it does not matter how much we actually got the play right. I have had coaches complain more about plays where we got right, but they did not see our signal and it got them even more upset.
I had a coach yesterday want an explanation on every call I made and if he would have paid attention to my presentation at the table, he would have seen and heard what I had. I am very descriptive at the table what I called and use my voice.