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Old Thu Dec 24, 2015, 12:59pm
Welpe Welpe is offline
Archaic Power Monger
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
I'm a baseball guy and baseball is a first name sport at the higher levels. There's an implied lack of respect or a lack of a clue when a coach calls you "Blue" or "Ump" or anything but your first name. Likewise, I always get and use first names of the coaches/managers. This is from the lower levels through the college level.
I do this in baseball, too. Even at the lower levels. I even do the same with the catchers if I'm working the dish because I don't mind being a little friendlier with the guy who is supposed to keep me from being a backstop.

Every other sport it is coach for me. That just seems to be more the standard where I've been. No biggie to me and I don't mind a coach calling me by my first name. In fact when I'm working a wing, I tell the HC to use my first name when asking for a timeout because I'll recognize it quicker.

And to throw my two cents in, my wife and I are raising our kids to address adults as Mr. / Ms. with a first name and to use sir and ma'am. That's one of those things that grew on us while living in Texas and I find I miss hearing out in California. So now you've heard it from BNR and myself and we don't look much alike (he's a hell of a lot taller than I am).
Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers