Wed Dec 23, 2015, 01:11am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ontario
Posts: 559
I've added some commentary to streamline your meeting.
Originally Posted by packersowner
I am looking for some input on what others say during their pre-game captains meeting. The general flow of our conversations go like this:
R: Coach A, Do you have an administrator?
Coach A: Yes
R: Coach B, Do you have an administrator?
Coach B: Yes
Completely irrelevant in this setting, IMHO.
R: (to both coaches) Are your players legally equipped and will demonstrate good sportsmanship?
- Required, by rule. So I guess you should keep it in.
Coach A and B: (faintly) yes
R: Who are my speaking captains?
- Don't do this. Treat the players like adults. If a player comes up to me, and asks me an appropriate question at the appropriate time in the appropriate tone and said at the appropriate volume, they'll get the appropriate answer regardless of whether or not they are a Captain.
A : 32 B: 10
R: White take care of white, blue take care of blue
R: Good luck....
Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with how this goes, but its become so repetitive with players and coaches, that I think most of them aren't paying any attention. The other night, I said "Coaches, my partners are not going to make any mistakes, but I will, come to us if you have questions." Just trying to see if they were awake....got nothing.