Originally Posted by bainsey
You might be inadvertantly undermining your partners by doing this. I can see this if you're officiating your peers, but high school kids? Just like teachers and administrators, there's a level of respect that comes with the officiating position.
Well, I was kidding, mainly.
Actually, we don't do the whole, "Hi, this is....." thing. If someone does that at a captain's meeting, I don't hear it, cause usually when we're not the R, we leave the meeting after the introductions and go back to our pregame spots.
I introduce myself to the captains as I'm shaking their hands, one at a time. I'm still Rich, though.
I'm wearing stripes and I'm 30 years older than the players. If that's not enough to get some level of respect, forcing them to call me "Mr. LastName" isn't going to do it.