Unfortunately the only difference between the parents in that article and the parents that accompany over half the teams I see is that they got publicity. This is not a unique or new problem.
Two years ago I was working a 16U Select Travel Team Tournament when a father went into the dugout and started punching out the coach because he wasn't playing the dad's son.
This year the police had to be called when an ejected coach decided to challenge the opposing team's fans on his way off the field. He stood at the gate shouting that he would kick the sh!t out of each one as they left.
I've had parents scream obscenities at players on the opposing team. And I don't have time to get into the abuse I've seen heaped on officials.
Far too many parents, coaches and even players are acting out in anger. I have attempted to get the local youth leagues to require all coaches and parents to attend both a rules clinic and a behaviorial seminar. After this past season in which coach ejections and parent outburst were at an all time high, I have won over some converts on the boards of directors. I'll let you know how the vote goes in October.