Thread: Pushy Coaches
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Old Fri Dec 11, 2015, 01:48pm
refinks refinks is offline
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Originally Posted by RedAndWhiteRef View Post
Hey all, had just my second varsity game of my career (it was girls) last night. The game isn't too different, just the coaches are a lot more animated and will get on you more, especially if you're a fresh face like me.

At some point during the third quarter one of the teams started pressing. And I kid you not, on five (5) straight possessions up the floor, that team's coach is in my ear screaming for travels. Five. I mean, girls are barely touching the ball before passing it off to beat the press and he's like "Walk! That's a WALK!" After the third possession I tell him, "We hear you, Coach." After the last time, he growls at me, "This is varsity. Not JV anymore. You need to be making those calls."

I found this extremely condescending and really wanted to whack him, but he hadn't said anything profane and it probably wasn't a good idea to whack someone in my second varsity game, so I look him square in the eye and say, like a teacher to a kindergartner, "Coach. Stop. Now." I run back down the court and hear him muttering something about "Call the walks yadda yadda yadda."

What are some go-to phrases that you all use to get a coach off your back? Should I have whacked him?
In your situation, he is definitely borderline on being whacked. Especially since you said you warned him after the 3rd time and he still kept going, I am whacking him.

As you get more experienced you'll learn when to whack a coach and when to just warn.

As far as phrases to use, "stop" or "I've heard enough" pretty much mean the coach's leash is gone. Anything more and he's getting whacked.

In some cases, just saying stuff like "We'll watch for it coach" or "I'm taking a look" or "I hear you coach" will work. It all depends on the coach.
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