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Old Mon Dec 07, 2015, 05:04pm
dsqrddgd909 dsqrddgd909 is offline
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Originally Posted by xyrph View Post
This wrong call happened literally directly in front of the ref. The only way to miss it was with eyes closed.

I can tell you what is frustrating from a parents perspective is that most refs have zero humility, and act as if they are never ever wrong. Around here they do not answer questions.

In this particular case the woman ref comes over pronouncing that this "foul" was white #4's 5th foul and the removed her from the game. Turns out it was only her fourth foul and they corrected it a few minutes later, allowing her back in after critical moment of the game had transpired.

And, all four of her "fouls" were just as obviously suspect.
All right, feeling generous today and a little like Scrooge on Christmas Day.

1. There are many ways to miss the call. Straight lined, surprised, tired, frustrated. Sometimes we anticipate a certain call or pass on the initial contact and then have to get the next contact. Some refs have a hard time when the play is chaotic and processing what's a violation, what's a foul and what we can pass on.

2. I *never* interact with fans. Nothing good is going to come from that. The parents have 1 job. Encouraging cheering. That's it.

3. 4th foul / 5th foul is a table problem. If you have a strong crew, one or more may notice a discrepancy, but it's a table responsibility. This issue probably happens about 30% of the time at the JV level and has happened in each of my varsity games this year (all girls games.)

4. Sure probability make me doubt that the refs incorrectly called all 5 fouls.

Passion is a part of sports. It can also greatly color a fan's view of particular plays.

Lastly, most great officials and even very good officials do not want to work a steady diet of girls Varsity games. It may help you to realize that you are going to see errors and inconsistencies regularly.
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