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Old Sun Dec 06, 2015, 06:05pm
BigCat BigCat is offline
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Originally Posted by xyrph View Post

This wrong call happened literally directly in front of the ref. The only way to miss it was with eyes closed.

I can tell you what is frustrating from a parents perspective is that most refs have zero humility, and act as if they are never ever wrong. Around here they do not answer questions.
You wont understand until you put a striped shirt on and actually try to referee. Sometimes a referee gets too close to see the whole play. sometimes the referee sees the whole play and the whistle just doesnt blow. sometimes there just not very good at it. Everybody is a great referee from the third row. If you really want to understand, go out and try it.

It may not be practical for you to actually try to referee. But what you can do, and what you should do, is take a stand against the idiot yelling at the girl bringing the ball up the floor. Parents like this ruin youth sports. It doesnt help the girl he's yelling at and im sure his own daughter doesnt think much of his yelling either.
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