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Old Sun Dec 06, 2015, 03:38pm
Dad Dad is offline
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Originally Posted by xyrph View Post
No, I cannot explain why people watching the game say what they say.

What an odd question, and not very helpful.

This wrong call happened literally directly in front of the lead. The only way to miss it was with eyes closed.

I can tell you what is frustrating from a parents perspective is that most refs have zero humility, and act as if they are never ever wrong. Around here they do not answer questions.

In this particular case the woman ref comes over pronouncing that this "foul" was white #4's 5th foul and the removed her from the game. Turns out it was only her fourth foul and they corrected it a few minutes later, allowing her back in after critical moment of the game had transpired.

And, all four of her "fouls" were just as obviously suspect.
In my opinion, if this is true, I agree it's extremely frustrating. To top it off it's unprofessional and makes entire leagues mediocre. I do find it hard to believe that they never answer questions. All encompassing statements tend to have an issue with being not true.

As a general rule, I'll answer most questions. Personally, I will almost always tell a coach when I mucked up a call. There is, however, a lot of dynamics involved and game management is an art most officials don't have. Without it, you're not working 5A or even 4A around here. Or maybe even any varsity games for that matter. Really depends on association.

Last edited by Dad; Sun Dec 06, 2015 at 03:41pm.
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