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Old Fri Dec 04, 2015, 11:46am
frezer11 frezer11 is offline
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Originally Posted by dsqrddgd909 View Post
Freshman boys scrimmage.

No. 1. We are in front court, Partner is trail, pass into the post hits the post player A1 on lower leg and bounces away, still on the court. B1 picks up the loose ball. Partner *Tweet* "Kicked ball" A1.

I come to him and said I had a good look at it, it wasn't intentional, in fact the leg wasn't moving, (but the post player was set up pretty wide legged.). He said it's a violation, I said no, it's not.

We gave the ball back to A for a throw in on the endline. Correctly administered?

No. 2. Partner is administering throw in sideline on front court side of division line. A1 releases the throw in, it bounces in front court and is caught in the back court by A2. Partner whistles a back court violation. He tells the coaches the ball can't first touch in the front court. I'm 99% sure he has it wrong, but I let it go. Ideas on what I should have done?
So in the first one, a couple things. First off, when did he blow the whistle? Unless that whistle was super late, B1 likely did not yet have control of the ball, which means team A still had TC, so it should go back to them.

But the bigger issue I have is the reason to go to him it all. Let's say a player has the ball and makes a move to the basket, and your partner calls travel, but you are 100% sure the play was legal. Are you going to correct him then? I think I would use caution having much discussion if any on judgement calls, and I realize that this ended up being a knowledge-of-the-rule-issue, but you likely didn't know that initially. To me this is a play that I trust my partner on at the time, but then we certainly have a conversation about it at the half.

In the 2nd one, Bob said it right, be 100% sure, and you're good to go. I think the 2nd call is more crucial to the game to get right, as it is a clear misapplication of the rule, whereas the 1st scenario could be deemed a judgement call.

Last edited by frezer11; Fri Dec 04, 2015 at 11:48am.
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