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Old Wed Jul 30, 2003, 01:26pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally posted by WestMichBlue
"Other than the "but they allow it" argument, what argument is there in support of giving the pitchers more advantage?"

But "they" (ASA) allow it inside their own rules - for men and JO boys.

"Perhaps the reverse argument should be made for utrip and fed to change?"

Perhaps the reverse argument should be made for ASA to change the mens game?

I have no idea when ASA modified it's FP rules for women, but I assume that it was a modification to existing men's FP rules. Men's pitching rules appear to be an adaption of Baseball rules as required to modify for underhand throwing.

Now I'll go out on a limb with a theory. When ASA rules gods (guys?) gathered in their smoke filled room, did they decided that women would not be able to hit the ball - so they had to restrict the pitcher?
These are just other variations on "they do it" - in this case the "they" being males. What is the positive argument in favor of ASA changing the rule

Finally, a national organization that writes rules ONLY for JO age girls (NFHS) ...
NFHS Softball 2003 Rules Book, Rule 1-2 Art. 1 a. 2. Mandated distances: between the rear tip of home plate and the front edge of the pitcher's plate shall be 40 feet for female fast pitch softball and 46 feet for male fast pitch softball.
What do they know that ASA doesn't?
Title IX and the other gender equity issues public schools have to deal with.
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