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Old Thu Nov 26, 2015, 10:21am
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post

And if you live in a large area like we live, those slots are not as plentiful either when you consider the actual number of games compared to officials available. So those choices are also made the same way a college assignor will make with the same considerations for things like facial hair and things on your shoes.

I am sure Rich has a different demographic to choose from than a more populated area.


I assign officials from three metropolitan areas. I have 348 varsity games to fill this year and the number will be going up.

My criteria wouldn't change based on suddenly having twice as many people to choose from -- mainly, cause I think some of these criteria are complete bullcrap.

Playcalling, communication, and game management, in that order. Nobody gets extra points for being from a certain demographic, being clean shaven or looking like an official on an officiating supply poster. As long as I'm doing the job, that won't change.
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