Originally posted by A Pennsylvania Coach
For seven years I've been teaching my players in our full-court trap to put a foot on the line so the offensive player can't get past. I have yet to run into a T or a block (well, a block that wasn't a block, but was OOB), so I'm going to keep teaching it that way. I'm teaching to the rule book--could you imagine me trying to have my current players re-learn not to step on the line, after I've been stressing it for years, because Mayo and Struckhoff said so? (No disrespect intended.) Change the words in the rule book, and I'll change the way I teach it. [/B][/QUOTE]Coach,unfortunately you are no longer teaching to the rulebook.This rule has now been defined to the interpretation above. I would bet Chuck's left one that there will be an interpration to that effect going up on the NFHS website soon. I'd check with your local officials' group on this one,if I was you. Might save you some grief when the season opens.It's always better to find out how your officials are gonna call it,rather than listening to any of us on this Forum. JMHO.