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Old Wed Nov 25, 2015, 08:29pm
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
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Originally Posted by Danvrapp View Post
To me, this implies that in previous years, a collegiate player could have left the floor, released a shot, then plowed into a defender, been whistled for a PC, have the ball go in the basket, and still have been credited with two points!

Any truth to this one?
Originally Posted by Rich View Post
Originally Posted by JetMetFan View Post
In NCAAM, yes.
Actually, no. It has never been the case that a player could be charged with a player control foul and still score a basket.

When a player control foul occurs -- in NFHS or NCAA, for as long as I can remember -- the ball is dead immediately.

In previous years, an airborne shooter could release a try then charge into a defender and the basket would count; but that's because it was not a player control foul. Once the try was released, player control ended. So it was simply a common foul with no team control (like a rebounding foul); and if the ball went in, the basket was scored. But if the charge occurred prior to the release of the try, then it was a player control foul (since the shooter was still holding the ball), and no basket could be scored.

This year the definition of "player control foul" was changed to include a common foul by an airborne shooter.

I know I'm being a stickler, and I know Rich and Jet both know this. But I thought it might be important to understand exactly why the old rule yielded that strange result, and it no longer does.
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