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Old Wed Jul 30, 2003, 09:06am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
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Unhappy Same ole, same old.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by A Pennsylvania Coach
For seven years I've been teaching my players in our full-court trap to put a foot on the line so the offensive player can't get past. I have yet to run into a T or a block (well, a block that wasn't a block, but was OOB), so I'm going to keep teaching it that way. I'm teaching to the rule book--could you imagine me trying to have my current players re-learn not to step on the line, after I've been stressing it for years, because Mayo and Struckhoff said so? (No disrespect intended.) Change the words in the rule book, and I'll change the way I teach it.
This is one of the reasons, Struckhoff's name does not go very far around here (in the state I live). Because things that could have been done correctly, seemed to not go the way she claimed they should have been when she was here (as an Asst. Executive Director of the IHSA, over Officials Department). I totally agree with your assessment of this situation. If you want the rule to be enforced as intended, make the wording as such. And if officials are supposebly making these rules (do not want to get into that debate again), then why not make rules that coincide with their interpretation? And unfortunately, not many officials are going to read this post and see what the NF "intended" by stating what the rule "meant." But I guess that is why a coach, like yourself has nothing but confidence in the job these "so called officials" did in writing this new and very understandable rule. No wonder we are always arguing over small details.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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