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Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 06:32pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by bas2456 View Post
Jeff, don't know if you remember this or not, but you and I worked a scrimmage together with a couple other guys that was actually my first high school officiating experience of any kind. I believe you guys got paid, but I worked for free, though you all did take out me for pizza afterward.

They even stuck me in as part of the three-man portion of the night. While it was only my first scrimmage, I learned a ton from the three veterans I worked with. Rut is right, this is invaluable experience for a young or new official.
I do remember this very well. I also remember that we asked you to come along as we had been doing that scrimmage for years and were going to work with or without you. And yes I got paid and have no problem giving back to those when that happens. You probably got more out of that then if you paid to work a clinic to be evaluated. I did the same thing when I started, I tagged along. I learned a lot as well in those times.
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