Originally Posted by Andy
Regarding the chin strap rule...how did you "enforce" it?
The only requirement in the rules was that the helmet have a chin strap. There was never any further clarifications issued as to how that chin strap had to be worn, only that it be there.
I recall sitting in a meeting at ASA Council one year and KR was asked point blank about it and issuing some type of official statement as to how the chin strap was to be worn.
He flatly stated that he would not do so, because no matter what wording was used, it could not be consistently enforced due to judgement of what wearing the chin strap "properly" would mean.
Our ASA UIC told us that the chin strap should be not looser that two fingers beneath the chin.
MTD, Sr.
Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Trumbull Co. (Warren, Ohio) Bkb. Off. Assn.
Wood Co. (Bowling Green, Ohio) Bkb. Off. Assn.
Ohio Assn. of Basketball Officials
International Assn. of Approved Bkb. Officials
Ohio High School Athletic Association
Toledo, Ohio