My enforcement included:
Must exist on helmet,
Must be securely attached on both sides, and
Must be worn at chin or below, not across the mask nor above the helmet brim.
I did not attempt to debate how snugly nor proximity to the chin, but did state affirmatively that the manufacturers never submitted the item to be approved across the mask nor above the brim. Never heard a coherent response to that.
Similarly, I require adult players wearing a cap to wear it brim forward. My standard explanation is to state that headwear is not a fashion statement, and that if anyone can produce a patent or manufacturer's guide describing the brim as designed to shade the back of the neck, that I would then change my position. I also challenge anyone to show me a picture of (Griffey) Junior, whom I consider the primary proponent, wearing it in that fashion WHILE PLAYING.
But that's just me.